Thursday 7 January 2016

Re: RE: [World Malayali Club] Ten Reasons Why Modi is Disliked


With all this BJP  suffered heavily in Civic polls in Gujarat especially in Rural areas, why ?

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From:"HK Gupta [worldmalayaliclub]" <>
Date:Thu, 7 Jan, 2016 at 3:56 am
Subject:RE: [World Malayali Club] Ten Reasons Why Modi is Disliked


Sorry Mr. Sebastian ,
If your Kerala was as beautiful 20 years back as Gujrat today , then today your Kerala should have been the prettiest place in the world ? Is it so ,sir ,.As for as rule of law on roads is concerned , can you name a state where the law exists. Not to follow rules ,is in our blood and the system has become so much corrupted that discipline is minimum. As for as growth is concerned , I give few examples :

1. Before Modi ,  the drains were in bad shape and a slight rain would cause havoc on roads as in Delhi and elsewhere. After Modi , drains were changed to such sizes that even today ,not a drop rests on the roads .

2. We ,in Delhi , look for a half a kilometer of road on which a pit is not there . But , after Modi came  , we were wondering to find a road in Gujrat , where a pit exists ie. you will not find a road where a pit exists in Gujrat . 

3. Can you compare serious crimes like MURDERS , RAPES and GANG RAPES in Gujrat v/s other states like Delhi , U.P. , Bihar etc.

4. Haftas in every corner in Gujrat has been finished .

5..   Stay  is most peaceful in Gujrat as compared to any other state . 

6. Corruption was very much at a peak when Congress Chief Minister " CHIMANBHAI PATEL " was there .

Now ponder on why your KERALA could not / did not progress ?

Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 14:02:22 +0530
Subject: RE: [World Malayali Club] Ten Reasons Why Modi is Disliked


Dear Sir


I  along with 8 families have visited Gujrat and Rajasthan from 25/12/2015 to 31/12/2015 by reading different articles projecting the beauty of  Gujarat as that of Singapore.We started the visit from Somnath Temple. Gir forest, Porbunder upto Jaisalmer (Gujrat) and  ended at Sabarmathi Asram. Those who saw Kerala 30 years back is Gujarat today. It is a good sight to watch Driving vehicles  without any rule of Law. Number of persons who can travel in one cart is unlimited.( it seems bullets engine converted into 3 wheeler  carts) ( Helmat is not allowed in Gujarat .)The birth place of Gandhiji is one of the dirtiest place we visited .  There is nobody to control the crowd in Gandhijis house. If any body want to visit the house please do it immediately.








From: []
Sent: 04 January 2016 12:38
Subject: Re: [World Malayali Club] Ten Reasons Why Modi is Disliked



Dear Colonel

The above writing of yours seems more like a blind Modi Bhakt ranting than an unbiassed critique from a person of your standing.

Let me take one point -

7.       Modi is highly 'pretentious'. He has made a mess of India's foreign policy. Instead of following the established diplomatic protocol, he has started establishing personal rapport with the world leaders. More shockingly, he has adopted yoga and hugs as instruments of his foreign policy. With his spontaneously warm embraces, he has befriended all world leaders. They admire him for his sincerity of purpose, clear vision and inexhaustible energy. Obama surprised all by agreeing to be the chief guest at the Republic Day Parade. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang had a selfie with Modi. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended prayers at Varanasi. Invited himself, with a 120 member entourage, to personally wish 'Happy Birthday' to Nawaz Sharif, Pak Premier, in Lahore. By trying to practice diplomacy through hugs and yoga, he is deliberately trashing the very foundation of India's foreign policy of laid-back indifference.


Sir, hope after what happened in Pathankot, you will not continue to speak in the same language as above. Indian Foreign Policy is evolved over a number of years based on democratic experience of present and previous rulers. You can see a broad continuity in foreign policy though ruled by different political parties. Continuing talks with Pakistan simultaneously with giving fitting reply to their terror intent was a long standing Indian policy. It was in the last elections Modi – with his 56" chest statement – made fun of this long standing policy. Remember the last rulers had stopped dialogue with Pakistan and made it clear that dialogue will not continue till Pak did not stop supporting terrorists. This '56" chest' had given hope to hardliners that he will bring drastic changes in foreign policy. Hopes were raised when India intruded into Burmese borders chasing extremists, and when Modi started interfered in internal affairs of Nepal and succeeded. Pakistan has turned out to be different cup of tea for obvious reasons. After initial 56" chest show, for reasons unknown suddenly Modi went into dialogue mode. First shock for Modi Bhakts, Colonel sir!!!


It is an open secret that the democratic establishment of Pakistan, of which Nawaz Sharif is the face, has no control on their Indian Policy. It is controlled by their Army hardliners who out and out support the jihadi terrorist elements of Pakistan. Sir, you as an Army man is well aware of this harsh truth than we the civilians do. In the last few years, there is a pattern which has come up in Indo Pak relationship. A high level meeting achieved by democratic set up is literally immediately followed by a terror attack supported by hardline jihadi elements of Pak. Even a child in India knows of this pattern that has emerged in Indo Pak relationship. It is this pattern which had forced the previous government to stop dialogue with Pak. This is what you call 'India's foreign policy of laid-back indifference.' Our '56" chest" Modi, now holding a high office of PM, is surely not so ignorant not to know this pattern of Pak policy which even a child understands.


Sir, Second shock to Modi Bhakts was when Modi dramatically went to say 'Happy Birthday' to his suddenly turned dear friend Nawaz Sharif, who till then was a 'shaitan; ki avtar', accompanied by a industrialist, who now a days too close to Modi. The bhakts were confused and confounded by this Modi act. They were forced to take U and start posting trash like point 7 quoted above. And Colonel Sir, remember, Modi never explains any of his actions to the nation as he knows his bhaktvrinda will just sing his bhajans like above defending all his actions. Though even they are confused lot.


What was the result of the great Modi Lahore dramabazee. Pathankot terror attack within a week.  Dead count till now 7. Civil and army personnel including highly decorated officers. Colonel, was the dramabazee of Modi or as per you out of box act, required at all. Now see the repercussion of such dramabazee. India issues a one line statement, dialogues will continue. As the highest office of our country was involved in this dramabazee, we are not in a position to issue a strong statement also. Instead of his dramabazee, Modi had allowed the usual diplomatic channels with Pakistan to act, the damage would have been much less. If he had taken the country into confidence, instead of making diplomacy a personal issue between two individuals, country would have been more alert. If he had not politicized foreign policy and taken opposition into confidence, he would have got the assistance of many in opposition who have deep knowledge of Pakistan diplomacy.


Instead, by his personalized style and not taking anyone except few beauraucrats and industrialists into confidence,  Modi is creating more damage to the country.


Who is answerable to the 11 month child of Niranjan who died in Pathankot due to a dramabazee of a single person? Will the bhaktavrinda, who take U turn every day to suit the whims of their Paramatma answer the child?


Colonel, let me add one more issue. What about OROP. Why no out of box solution to the issue? Why the army personnel took the extreme step of returning their medals to the President or burned their medals?


 Colonel, I am reacting to only one point of your post. This is just to show how farcical your post is. I conclude – retiterating the whole article with the title is worth a trash. And we do not expect such things from man of your standing.


With warm regards



On Wednesday, 30 December 2015, 3:54, "Colonel Srikant [worldmalayaliclub]" wrote:



Modi became Prime Minister in May 2014. During his 18 months in office, he has earned the displeasure of many segments of the society. Here are ten reasons why he is disliked.

1.       Modi is a 'usurper of power'. He is trying to replicate the reign of the Slave Dynasty of the thirteenth century by seizing Delhi Sultanate, an inheritance of the Gandhi-Nehru dynasty. How dare a petty tea-vendor have the audacity to gatecrash into the hallowed portals of Lutyens' Delhi? Howsoever ill-equipped, inept and unqualified the dynasty may be, Delhi throne is its family heritage. In any case, no competence is required to plunder India. As in the past, the country can be easily ruled through a network of sycophants, stooges and dummies. It is just a question of fine-tuning the remote controls.


2.       Modi is a 'sadist'. How dare he discard the long practiced tenet of 'khao aur khane do'? His mantra of 'naa khaunga, naa khane dunga' is symptomatic of his aversion for the well-being of the ruling elite. It smacks of jealousy for the privileged.  Remember how smoothly the previous coalitions functioned. Different ministries were dished out to the partners as fiefdoms. It was left to their ingenuity to garner funds. No one interfered in Raja's spectrum loot or in Praful Patel's aircraft purchases. Modi must not forget that leaders and bureaucrats have families. They have to amass enough to secure the future of their progeny.


3.       Modi is a 'workaholic'. Worse, he expects others to work equally hard. Introduction of biometric system to mark presence in government offices has been terribly painful. Earlier employees could walk in leisurely at any time and leave whenever they felt homesick. Many did private side-business during office hours.  Movement of files was never monitored. Offices were meant for rest and recreation. Long gossip sessions with colleagues in the canteen were intellectually stimulating. Group cohesion was developed during long hours spent under winter sun in the office lawns and sharing pea-nuts. All the charm of government service has disappeared. One is expected to work now. Even senior bureaucrats have been deprived of their life-style of yore  golf in the morning, relaxed hours in the office and evenings in the Gymkhana. Modi has ruined happiness of all government employees.


4.    Modi is 'anti-media'. Eighteen months in power and not a single scandal or scam. Just not done. Media cannot be starved. Editors have no issues to embellish their headlines with. TV anchors have no hot topics for conducting high-decibel debates. They have to convert innocuous statements by some fringe elements into national controversies. No wonder media is unhappy with the present dispensation and is nostalgic about those good old days of scam-a-day. It did not have to look for topics for breaking news and evening debates. Media's discomfort can be gauged from the fact that it has to stoop down to faulting Modi for not issuing statement on every single occurrence in the country. By depriving media of sensationalism, Modi is deliberately asphyxiating it.


5.    Modi is 'anti-employment'. All his promises of generating jobs through economic growth are phony. In fact, he has been busy shutting down existence business. Look what he has done to the patronage industry. It had taken India decades to evolve such a fool-proof and credible patronage regime: far more reliable than the much-hyped match-fixing in cricket. Every appointment, license and contract was available for a price. Every appointment was for sale and had its MRP: it could be governorship of a state or directorship of a government bank/company or even chairmanship of the Railway Board. One could obtain a chit from PMO office and get a coal block. Full satisfaction was granted to all applicants, bureaucrats and ministers. Most unfairly, Modi has put an end to such a thriving business, thus rendering numerous people jobless.


6.       Modi is a 'pseudo-secularist'. Although he had been demonised by the self-proclaimed secularists as a communal menace for decades, Modi remains unscathed. Most worrisomely, even negative campaigns like phoney anti-Christian allegations during Delhi elections and spiteful intolerance crusade during Bihar elections have not provoked him. He is letting all the doomsday-prophets down with his inclusive policies which are well received by all sections of the society. He has said or done nothing to favour any community. If Modi is allowed to establish his credentials as a secular leader, it will be difficult to dislodge him. That cannot be permitted. Therefore, renewed attacks through cooked-up issues must be launched to dent his image. Secularism is the sole prerogative of the opposition leaders.


7.       Modi is highly 'pretentious'. He has made a mess of India's foreign policy. Instead of following the established diplomatic protocol, he has started establishing personal rapport with the world leaders. More shockingly, he has adopted yoga and hugs as instruments of his foreign policy. With his spontaneously warm embraces, he has befriended all world leaders. They admire him for his sincerity of purpose, clear vision and inexhaustible energy. Obama surprised all by agreeing to be the chief guest at the Republic Day Parade. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang had a selfie with Modi. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended prayers at Varanasi. Invited himself, with a 120 member entourage, to personally wish 'Happy Birthday' to Nawaz Sharif, Pak Premier, in Lahore. By trying to practice diplomacy through hugs and yoga, he is deliberately trashing the very foundation of India's foreign policy of laid-back indifference.


8.       Modi is 'intolerant'. How can a Prime Minister talk of cleanliness and toilets from the ramparts of the Red Fort? Who is Modi to deprive the public of the pleasure of defecating in an open and green environment? Height of intolerance to old Indian practices. If India could live with filth for so long, who is Modi to question? It is rightly said that 'filth is in the eyes of the beholder' and the dynasty never saw any. Similarly, it is for the parents to decide the future of their daughters. Why is Modi forcing them to educate girls? Intolerance once again. Modi has been elected to govern the country and not to don the mantle of a social reformist. He should not exceed his brief.


9.    Modi is 'misusing his oratory skills'. Not only has he been able to inspire the Indian Diaspora, but has also infused euphoric enthusiasm in India's psyche. Pessimism and negativity have been replaced by optimism and positivity. He is deliberately resorting to erudite talks in Hindi and English to show Pappu and other caste leaders in poor light. It is most unsportsmanlike. While Modi impresses the people with his vision of a developed and prosperous India; Pappu can only talk of 'suit-boot sarkar' or target RSS. Worse, in comparison to Modi, Pappu looks like a cry-baby who had been deprived of his favourite toy. Modi must stop displaying wisdom and vision. He is giving an inferiority complex to the opposition leaders.


10.   Modi is an 'economic maverick'. Through his missionary zeal for economic growth, Modi has been upsetting many who were benefitting from India's poverty. Modi's success in attracting investment in the infra-structure and industrial growth through 'Make in India' campaign will improve the lot of the impoverished. That is also the main worry of the caste-leaders. Economic betterment brings awareness. An aware voter is a discerning voter. He sees through the facade of secularism to fool the people. He does not get carried away by rhetoric of caste loyalties. He demands results. No wonder that all opposition leaders view economic reforms as a threat to their political relevance. Modi appears to be hell-bent on upsetting the applecart.

Finally, a footnote of caution: Modi may not be perfect, nobody is. But he is the best bet for India. Should Modi fail to deliver or is prevented from fulfilling his promises by the anti-national elements that are stalling growth, India's future will be bleak. We will have Pappu, Mulayam Singh, Lalu Yadav or Kejriwal at the helm of affairs. Does it not send shivers down our spine?





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