Sunday 31 July 2016

[amdavadis4ever] basic understanding about STRESS



What is stress?

The Body's Stress Response

Stress is a normal physical response to events. When you sense danger—whether it's real or imagined—the body's defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the "fight-or-flight-or-freeze" reaction, or the stress response.
Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life.

Stress is defined as "The rate of wear and tear on the body". Increased stress can accelerate many aspects of the aging process. "Everyone feels what stress is, but nobody really knows what stress is." Many times we create our own stress because of faulty perceptions.

When you perceive a threat, your nervous system responds by releasing stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones prepares the body for emergency action.

Stress is caused by two things. you think situations around you are worthy of anxiety. And then it's how your body reacts to your thought processes.These changes are best described as the fight or flight response.

At times of danger mind bypass all our rational thoughts. Priority is given to all physical functions which provide more power to face an enemy or to flee. To understand why stress can have negative impacts on your health, you must first understand the physiological changes that occur within your body during the fight or flight response.

In the fight or flight response it quickly releases hormones that help it to survive. these hormones help us to run faster and fight harder. They increase heart rate and blood pressure - delivering more oxygen and blood sugar to power important muscles. They increase sweating in an effort to cool these muscles, and help them stay efficient. They divert blood away from the skin to the core of our bodies - reducing blood loss if we are damaged. As well as this, these hormones focus our attention on the threat, to the exclusion of everything else. Breathing is accelerated to supply more oxygen for conversion to energy. The heart moves into overdrive to supply the body with more oxygen and nutrients. Our immune system is activated, ready to administer to wounds. Attention and sight become acute and highly focused and our sense of pain is diminished as the body releases analgesic hormones.

This physiological aspect leaves us viewing the world as a hostile place and we are fully prepared to fight or run. Whichever one we choose, our body will expend an immense amount of energy which in itself prevents the build up of stress related to this response.The stress response is the body's way of protecting you. When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life—giving you extra strength to defend yourself. The stress response also helps you rise to meet challenges.

But beyond a certain point, stress stops being helpful and starts causing major damage to your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships, and your quality of life.

The most dangerous thing about stress is you get used to it. It starts to feel normal. You don't notice how much it's affecting you and it takes a heavy toll.

Stress affects the mind, body, and behavior in many ways. More stress lead to serious mental and physical health problems.


Signs and symptoms of stress overload

The following table lists some of the common warning signs and symptoms of stress..
Mental effects -

Emotional problems

Physical problems

Behavioral problems

How much stress is too much?

Because of the widespread damage stress can cause, it's important to know your own limit. But just how much stress is "too much" differs from person to person. We're all different. Your ability to tolerate stress depends on many factors, including the quality of your relationships, your general outlook on life, your emotional intelligence, and genetics.

Causes of stress
anything that puts high demands on you or forces you to adjust can be stressful. This also includes positive events such as getting married, buying a house, going to college, or receiving a promotion.

Stress can also be self-generated, for example, when you worry excessively about something that may or may not happen, or have irrational, pessimistic thoughts about life.

What causes stress depends on your perception of it. Something that's stressful to you may not  be for someone else; they may even enjoy it.


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