Sunday, 1 November 2015

Re: MRe: [World Malayali Club] Reservation


Respected Col

Your thinking and analogy, both are absolutely flawed. I am afraid, you wrote about a serious matter, having no clue about the concept of reervations.

Caste, EWS and Reservations are all different. Reservations find place in the constitution based on birth, not based on economic or any other considerations.

Even today, kindly go through news papers, people are discriminated, tortured and killed purely based on birth, not on economic considerations.

Unless these people become productive and empowered, based knowledge and economic consideration, these discrimination and atrocities will continue.

I am from a gifted family, having command over many lives. I try to help many of them in my own ways. But the constitution reservations are much better for society at large than individuals' contributions.
Kasthuri N Ravilla

On Monday, 2 November 2015 3:25 AM, "'Col. Baldev Singh Sangha' [worldmalayaliclub]" <> wrote:

Dear Mr Pradeep,
Your recommendation to keep the reservation alive, till the caste system continue, is perhaps right . But, let us see what is a CASTE. IT IS NOTHING BUT THE JOB THAT ONE PERFORMS. Till yesterday, persons ABCD were doing a job and they were branded with a particular name or say caste. Since they got reservation and laid their hands on a lucrative job. They stopped doing that job but still included in so called Scheduled Caste as described by various. Governments. Now the same job of say cook, safai wala or barber is being performed by so called high caste people from castes like jats, Dogras, Sikhs, brahmins. After sometime they will not be called what they are but safai karmchari, cook and so on. Then virtually they will be included in a Scheduled list and this Cycle will go on that means NO END TO SO CALLED RESERVATION. Even next 1000 years will not be able to abolish So Called Caste System and thus, the Resevation.
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On Sep 21, 2015, at 2:09 PM, Pradeep Asranna [worldmalayaliclub] <> wrote:

Reservation should continue till caste based society and caste relations exist. Already there is a reservation in society based on castes. Reservation are needed to set this societal injustice. 

On Monday, 21 September 2015, 2:52, "sashidharan1949 [worldmalayaliclub]" <> wrote:

Why you are not talking about the reservation to different religious communities. You talked about cast base but you never talked about religion  base. My children secured above 90 % in X and XII and I could not afford to send them for entrance coaching. So they could not score as expected and on the basis no admission for higher studies. Where as children from other religion secured less than 50%. They got admission for professional college. So where do you compare and on what basis.

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-------- Original message --------
From: "HK Gupta [worldmalayaliclub]"
Date:18/09/2015 15:00 (GMT+03:00)
Subject: Re: [World Malayali Club] Reservation

Reservation on Cast basis is a curse for the country and henceforth this reservation on cast basis should be finished once for all. 
Sent from my iPad

On 18-Sep-2015, at 3:18 am, Narayanan Sankaran [worldmalayaliclub] <> wrote:

Reservation per se is not bad. The way the issue has been handled has not been proper. Excellent statistics on % of Indians in America. But stat does not analyse how much of them could reach there because they could get reservation.

Are you serious?  Do you think even 0.1% of those people could reach there because they could get reservation?

Meritocracy rules there.........they reward excellence; which is the way it should be!

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Pradeep Asranna [worldmalayaliclub] <> wrote:
What we need is de reservation of the caste based society itself, not dereservation in jobs or education, What we need is a society based on humanitarian values and not a society based on castes. 
Reservation per se is not bad. The way the issue has been handled has not been proper.
Excellent statistics on % of Indians in America. But stat does not analyse how much of them could reach there because they could get reservation.
Once you work towards a society free of caste, caste based reservation in any field will automatically vanish.
When the society itself is based on the horrible caste system, which decides who can enter hotels, temples, who can be part of the meal in public places, who can enter the elite schools, etc - in a sense, a reservation system exists in practice in society - why not speak of dereservation of a society based on caste hierarchy.

On Wednesday, 16 September 2015, 2:51, "Raghu P [worldmalayaliclub]" <> wrote:


JUst  give a thought!
Shubhendu Pandey's photo.

Reserved V/S Deserved
38 % of Doctors in US are Indians.
36% of NASA Scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
27% of Intel employees are Indians.
37% of Total scientists in US are Indians.
Still India is backward and that is because of our selfish politicians who encourage Reserved more than Deserved!  
  • We have a lot of quantity but what we want is quality. Give a chance to the deserved rather than the reserved.
  • Really talented people don't get what they deserve because they are not 'reserved'.
  • Reservation should be abolished or soon INDIA will get abolished
  • To prove the word equality in the constitution.
  • As abroad India should offer free quality education and should sponsor scholarships for unprivileged poor student, reservation is just opposite to it..
  • So that the quality people and real talent can get opportunity.
  • Due to reservations we're feeling guilty, because undeserved people are getting seats and thus we are failing to show equality even if we want.
  • Reservation system is affecting education system.
  • Reservation system should be abolished because it is associated with the castes rather than the economically backward.
  • It was meant to end, not to increase with time.
  • Because the reserved are preferred over the deserved and that reserved is undeserving.
  • Because if this system continues.... India was developing country... India is developing country... and India will be a developing country for ever.
  • If reservation policy continues it will lead to the "murder of merit".
  • Because generals are also human beings and they are neither born with extra ordinary brains, they've a silver spoon in their mouth.
  • Because the demon of Casteism is growing on account of reservation. People make fake caste certificates and taking the seats and scholarships of the talented ones. If the deserved people had got reservation, India could have become a developed country. Poverty and backwardness does not recognise any caste.
  • For the accomplishment of equal opportunity to deserving candidates...
  • Because it breaks the unity of the country.
  • So that all people may feel that they are being treated equally!
  • Even after 60 years of reservation system, they still need reservation. It means, they just don't deserve it!
And these are the bad bones of RESERVATION.

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Posted by: Kasthuri Ravilla <>
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